Building Wealth and Wellness Festival

Presented by Entrepreneur’s Academy, The Illinois Criminal Justice
Information Authority, UJIMA & the Chicago Park District
Join us for this opening summer Festival of Wealth and Wellness
Come enjoy music, food and festivities that revolve around changing your financial situation and making sure your mind body and soul are prepared for the journey
Saturday, June 1st, 2024
12:00pm – 6:00pm

Vendor Registration Fee:  $35.00

(*includes 6′ table and 2 chairs- limited quantity – please confirm if a table is needed)


NOTE: This vendor fee is non-refundable.  The proceeds are used for the
successful implementation of this community based event. 


Vendors, entertainment, local businesses, 3D printing, drones, free prizes, entrepreneurship, summer programs and a panel discussion
Mandrake Park
3858 S Cottage Grove Ave,
Chicago, IL 60653


  • Reg. Deadline : 06/01/2024 12:00 PM
  • Venue : Mandrake Park - 3858 S Cottage Grove, Ave, Chicago, IL 60653

Registration Deadline Expired!!